Published May 10, 2017 15:07
Hi Family of God, this is what I am seeing and hearing on Dad's heart today.
The times of testing and trial over the past months have been about readiness for promotion in anointings and callings.
There have been shifts going on in the spiritual across this city and beyond.
There have been shifts going on in your life and in the lives of others all around you.
In some ways you have felt like Dad has isolated you at times and made help and comfort hard to find unless its directly from Him in this season, but it has been for good reason.
Just like Joseph in prison, we are individually being prepared to carry new Kingdom authority and blessing well, so stand up in heart as the mighty Son of God He made you to be. (As He is, so are you in this world)
Right now as we come into the ending phase of this spiritual time and season, I find myself wanting to encourage myself and you to press in to our great Dad in praise, in worship, in meditations and time pouring out our souls to Him and with Him.
Don’t miss the best He can give you by allowing any sourness to taint your mind or heart. If there’s any there because you are battle weary and pressed hard, please accept my encouragement to surrender it all to Him for healing.
Keep leaning in to our Kind hearted Dad and receive His comfort, even with tears.
This season is drawing to a close so help Him make it the best for you.
Love you all, Admin.