For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
River of Life
River Of Life is based in Christchurch, New Zealand. It exists as a result of a networking vision, which contained God's concern for His wider Family, renewal, restoration of prophetic and miraculous living and new seasons of people coming into the Family of Jesus Christ.
This website has been set up to help people in their individual journey with Jesus, working out meaningful and helpful relationships with Jesus and with other people. It also supports and provides resources for Bethabara Spirit School.
We believe there is strength in connecting with each other (as fellowships or individuals) like a big fishing net to share and contribute resources through personal links (with minimal structure) as the equal members of the Family of God that we are. Wherever division remains there weakness is also.
The content of this website is guided by our passion for encouraging personal spiritual growth in the great Family of God in Jesus Christ. The writing you will see has no denominational bias and seeks to retain a flavour centred in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, which is found in many settings. We and many hundred thousand others have found that Christians desire both large corporate worship and the growth stimulus of relational small fellowship groups that are focussed on real spiritual growth.
Pursuing a way of living that is mostly connected with our Father is not always easy, but worth pursuing and fighting for. Darkness has ways of bringing pressure that persuades us to back off or modify our beliefs to something more innocuous and dis-empowered. We believe in fighting back in belief and prayer with Truth found in scripture and cemented in place by revelation. We have found that our gentle and understanding Father is more interested than we are that we find ways to win these battles.
Are you hungry for more? Are you hungry for a more powerful personal relationship with God that you somehow know is there but have not yet experienced? This journey starts as we recognise who Jesus Christ is and invite Him to live in us. We are some who are hungry to live out the Life of Jesus Christ who dwells so powerfully yet gently restrained within us. Personal spiritual growth is what is important. Everything else comes out of a deepening relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ His Son. Some are further along the journey than others and have tasted more of the love and power of Jesus Christ poured out through them. The common motivation for all is the spiritual hunger which God has inspired in us, leading to the desire to connect deeply with Jesus Christ Himself.
This website is for those who desire to become people of His Kingdom, functioning in a way that is more directly connected to Him than merely involvement in programs. Our aim is to encourage those who want to be seven day a week Jesus people living out 'Kingdom lives' into meaningful, miraculous and helpful relationships. Some of the articles contributed by various people are aimed at removing the blocks to belief that can so easily creep in, hindering us from connecting directly and continuously with Him.
There is something happening in Christianity today. Many Christians are experiencing greater personal spiritual growth and reality by participating in small fellowship groups and meetings where all can contribute and learn. They are discovering their identity in God, the spiritual gifts available to them and the freedom to use these out of obedience to Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit led ways.
If you want to find out more about us or to ask a question, you are most welcome to use the contact page on this site. (All enquiries will be treated as confidential unless you specify otherwise.)
Michael has a passion to see personal spiritual growth in others, particularly in those who tend to be more prophetic. He values quality and maturity more highly than numbers and will look to reduce group sizes to achieve an organic (natural) environment that works well for stimulating personal spiritual growth for those involved. He has been involved in living room based ministry for many years and has taught and ministered prophetically and pastorally for 40+ years.
Julie is a capable teacher with similar passions to see spiritual maturity and a useful scriptural basis of belief, become normal in current Christian culture. She has taught and preached in a prophetic manner for many years in both large and small group settings.
Both have been involved in forms of small and large group facilitation and ministry for 35+ years. The fellowship and Spirit School they planted in Christchurch in 2001/2002 is one contributing branch of River Of Life Network. Use this link if you want to get in contact.
God has come in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. (1 John 4:2)
The Bible contains the words of Jesus Christ which are Spirit and Life to all mankind. (John 6:63, John 20:31)
Jesus Christ is Lord of all, and all who are surrendered to Him are equal children of God. (John 1:12, 1 John 1:7)
We offer some teaching articles and beliefs regarding the Family of God and seek to provide a stimulus to personal spiritual growth for the great Family of God.
It will be obvious to you that we are volunteers putting this together so please bear with us as we progressively get it right.
Some beliefs of the website co-ordinators
God has come in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ.
[1 John 4:2]
The Bible contains the words of Jesus Christ which are Spirit and Life to all mankind.
[John 6:63, John 20:31]
Jesus Christ is Lord of all, and all truly surrendered to Him are equally His Family.
[John 1:12, 1 John 1:7]