Surrender is a weapon

Surrender to Jesus is a weapon and a key of our warfare against condemnation and against darkness.

The Kingdom of God is the "upside down" Kingdom. What loses in the worldly wins in the Kingdom of God if it is applied correctly.

Surrender loses in the world but wins in the Kingdom. The reason is when we are walking in surrender to Jesus, we stand and move in His Authority.

We looked at what He looks like on the inside of us and that authority we have been given. When we begin to accept who we really are and walk like it we see a change begin to work out through us and around us that can be very encouraging. We also experience more pressure in different ways from darkness. When we get used to dealing with that in the courtrooms of Heaven which are now right here around us, life gets a lot easier and simpler.

Life is full of practising walking connected with Him and in His authority. We spend some time of each day connected with self and our Father expects that as normal. Unfortunately we need self to survive in this world and thats why He gave you one. The good news is it gets stripped off when you graduate from this existence so you will not have to put up with it as you move about and work with Him in the rest of His creations.

There are ways of influencing the self/spirit switch that connects our soul to either one or the other. Most of us know the praise and worship key. There are others which i deal with in the article New creature and old. All of you as leaders in this new move of the Spirit need to know your personal keys.

Soon you will be caught up in what our Father is beginning to do. The tide is rising. That means you will be looking after and speaking into the lives of others who will be swept into the Kingdom if you are not already. Get ready to teach Surrender and ongoing surrender as it is both the entrance to the Kingdom of God and the way to walk with Him in integrity, safety and power.

Please read and study your way through Total Surrender to Jesus Christ

Have a bible open and use it as you go through this please. I expect to hear good things from you at the next gathering.