Magnetic Transformation
There are some striking similarities between what God has designed into the nature of materials and substances that we are using in daily life and the ways that we are in the kingdom of God. One of these is magnet making.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
There are some striking similarities between what God has designed into the nature of materials and substances that we are using in daily life and the ways that we are in the kingdom of God. One of these is magnet making.
We can assess where we are in our resting in Him by looking at our internal trust levels, identifying which step we are on at any given moment and then quickly use these steps to trust our way to victory. Every attack and every crisis will push us into a lesser state of trusting and we need to have quick ways to bring ourselves back into full effectiveness.
When we are afflicted by a wounded spirit we are unable to step out boldly to obey the Holy Spirit, and therefore so much of God’s purposes for us are lost through our inability to release faith in a consistent manner. The subject of a wounded spirit is an important one, as it affects so many people. Many don’t even understand what it is, or how it can affect us.
There are several parables that Jesus used to describe Kingdom life and Kingdom living. Being a mighty tree is one of them.
Many of God’s Family have come through the door of salvation into the kingdom and not much further. Jesus, however, actually talked more about living in His kingdom than about being saved. He taught us about living in His kingdom in such a way that we would be full of everlasting Life.
As I have taken time to consider prayerfully and reflect, there are a number of things about this Journey into our Father that are different from what we might have expected. In an "organic" or other...
I n the Christian realm there are two kinds of knowledge which we can have. One (which we have all been caught up with at some time or other) is the knowledge we gain from learning ~ learning about God, learning about the Bible, learning...
It is an amazing and thought provoking story, the story of God’s desire for a family and His bringing it about. It is a story of success and tragedy, failure and betrayal and...
1 Peter 1:1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the elect sojourners of the Dispersion of Pontus, of Galatia, of Cappadocia, of Asia, and of Bithynia,
What do you think that means? Does it make sense in our personal...
Who do you know God as?
Friend? There with you no matter what?
Father? A friend who Loves you and ticks you off when you need it? Fathers give their children good advice and guidance and expect their children to follow it.
Lord ? ...
Belief is thought to be a kind of mind state by some, however our actual belief is more closely related to our heart state.
There are different concepts and opinions about faith. Some of what is called faith I would call hope. At other times I have heard people pray in optimism, thinking that mental persuasion is faith. Faith is more than persuasion and optimism, it is...
When I look around me I see that Peace is looked for by many, while real peace is found by few. The reasons are diverse and individual.
The story of Adam and Eve is familiar to many of us. Or is it? There are different versions of understanding of this story. This article asks questions and is looking at this story from our Father's point of view.
Rev 3:20 Lo, I have stood at the door, and I knock; if any one may hear my voice, and may open the door, I will come in unto him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Gal 6:15 for in...