Prophetic Warning

The following warning was given by Rick Joyner in 1989

Every congregation which is not effectively “equipping the saints for the work of the ministry” will find itself being scattered and disbanded.

The church will not continue to be a big sheep pen where the saints are thrown food a couple of times a week.

In the eyes of God no congregation is seen by its buildings or other works but by the maturity of its individual members.

Every ministry which has buried its talent for equipping the saints is about to have it taken away and given to those who are using theirs effectively.

Many will rise and fall because of this one issue.

The Lord is about to curse every “tree” which is not bearing fruit.

Fruit bears the seed for reproduction. If a ministry is not reproducing itself it is not bearing fruit.

Those who allow the people to depend on them too much will be judged.

The Lord will not continue tolerating self serving leadership.

The church will soon need a thousand times the ministry it now has.

This ministry must be equipped and prepared for service now.

To be distinguished from “house churches” tens of thousands of homes are being prepared for use in the harvest in another way. The Lord is even now moving upon couples to prepare their homes for basic discipleship training. The families will be trained and become effective in preaching the gospel, healing the sick, casting out demons and taking small groups of new believers through basic discipleship training as the first step toward their being incorporated into and made effective members of the body of Christ.

The massive ingathering about to come will greatly exceed the ability of any congregation to handle it without the help of these home group leaders. Regardless of their “official” training or ordination these will be true pastors, teachers and evangelists in the eyes of the Lord and those who have His discernment. Those who are led to open their homes to disciple new believers should begin to prepare for the harvest by stockpiling Bibles, basic Bible studies, teaching tapes, etc.

True discipleship will be restored to effectively prepare a great army of leaders. As the congregations are scattered by persecution, the people will be scattered abroad like seed, multiplying their fruitfulness. When a leader is removed a host will arise to take his place. Every attack against the church will result in an advance of the gospel. Preparation for this resilience is being made now and it will increase in earnest until the body of Christ assumes the seriousness and determination of an army marching to battle.